miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2021




We continue with the series of deliveries, a summary of the book entitled: "Theory of relativity.- Critique of a nonsense analyzed in seven fascicles ", edited by AMAZON




We transcribe the text that leads to the fallacy of the Principle of Equivalence:

"Imagine a large piece of empty space, so far from stars and large masses that we can say with sufficient certainty that we are dealing with the case envisaged in Galileo's fundamental law.

As a reference body we imagine a large box in the shape of a room, and we assume that there is an observer Equipped with devices for it, naturally there is no gravity. It has to be secured with ropes to the floor, under penalty of being thrown to the ceiling at the slightest hit against the ground

Suppose that in the center of the ceiling of the drawer, outside, there is a hook with a rope, and that a being, of which we are indifferent, begins to pull it with a constant force. The box, together with the observer, begins to fly "up" with a uniformly accelerated motion. Your speed will increase over time ... always great heights to judge everyone from another body of reference that does not pull a rope

But how does the man in the drawer judge the process? The floor of the box transmits the acceleration pressure to the feet. Therefore, he must counteract this pressure with the help of his legs if he does not want to measure the ground with his body.

Then, he will be standing in the drawer like a person in any room of a dwelling. If you let go of a body that was previously in your hand, the acceleration of the drawer will stop acting on it, so it will approach the ground with an accelerated relative movement. ”.

The observer is also convinced that the acceleration of the body with respect to the ground is always the same regardless of the body that performs the experiment. On the basis of his knowledge of the gravitational field, the man will conclude that he is, together with the box, within a fairly constant gravitational field.

For a moment, he will be surprised, however, that the drawer does not fall into this gravitational field, but then he discovers the hook in the center of the ceiling and the tight rope attached to it and correctly infer that the drawer hangs at rest. in that field

Is it lawful to laugh at man and say that his conception is a mistake? I think that if we want to be conscious, we cannot do it, but we must admit that his explanation does not attack reason or known mechanical laws. Even if the box is accelerated with respect to Galileo's space considered first, it is possible to contemplate it as immobile "


The text of the thought experiment cited by A. Einstein, ends with the following sentence:

"So we have good reason to extend the principle of relativity to reference bodies that accelerate with respect to each other, thus a powerful argument has been made for a postulate of generalized relativity."


In future installments these criticisms will continue

(Intellectual Property Registry: B-767-20)


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