sábado, 22 de enero de 2022


 (Intellectual Property Registry: B-221-21)



 In A. Einstein's book entitled: “On the special and general theory of relativity, paragraph 19 talks about the Gravitational Field and, on page 60, it says the following:

"... then the following theorem is valid: the gravitational mass and the inertial mass of a body are equal."

He reaches this conclusion after making a question of doubtful validity. `He proposes an axiom of doubtful acceptance. But, the most outstanding thing is that he commits a fallacy that we consider to be the GENESIS OF FOOL . Instead of saying “they are the same” he should have said “it is the same”. In this way we would identify it as unique. Not as a concept with the possibility of using two different versions.

The expressions INERTIAL MASS and GRAVITATORY MASS DO NOT represent two types of mass. It should not be interpreted that way. It is the same concept or entity subjected to two different types of force. But, what is more, even if he said that they are the same, this does not authorize him, as we will see later, to say that two different types of force on a mass manifest the same effect.

We must apply this idea in the realization of physical phenomena in which we make the mass intervene. It is clear that it is not the mass that is "transformed" but rather the forces acting on it that make us contemplate or examine different physical phenomena.


in the figure two types of force are distinguished: Contact Forces and Attraction Forces. The Contact Forces can be divided into: traction and thrust.

The bodies, stone block and apple falling from the tree, as regards the physical nature of their mass, are identical. We can point out that, we know that there is a constant value (G) of universal gravitation. This is what refers to an inherent characteristic of dough. Another aspect is to consider what kind of forces act.

This classification will be useful to take into account in the “elevator thought experiment” that we will discuss later.



After considering the definitions of Inertial Mass and Gravitational Mass, and not being experts in cosmology, we wonder: could we not establish an implication of Dark Matter, with this that the physicist intended to classify it as Gravitational Matter ... Perhaps in this Force the Normal Matter and Dark Matter ... Perhaps our doubts are another nonsense ..



 In Fascicle 7 of our "little book": "Theory of relativity. - Critique of a despair analyzed in seven installments "we transcribe the thought experiment described in the book by A. Einstein, known as the" elevator thought experiment ". It is about justifying the

extension of the principle of relativity to bodies that accelerate with respect to others and gives rise to the Theory of General Relativity.

As a reminder we will give only a summary of the content of this experiment to remember and highlight the errors of logic, and principles of Physics, that you commit.

To see the purpose that the aforementioned physicist intended to demonstrate, we transcribe the final part that he quotes in this experiment:

"... So we have good reasons to extend the principle of relativity to reference bodies that accelerate with respect to others, thus a powerful argument has been made in favor of a generalized relativity postulate."

Thus ends the description of the thought experiment, in which we can see the purpose that he sought to demonstrate with his experiment

To offer our criticism to the reader, we synthesize the content of the "Experiment" detailing the following:

A box (elevator) is pulled upwards by a rope that transmits a uniformly accelerated speed to it.

Inside the box there is a person.

                                          Figure 2


This person in each hand carries two bodies, which contain a certain mass. If you release these masses, you will see that they "fall" on the elevator floor.

                                          Figure 3 


Figure 3 tries to represent the equivalence of effects of the two physical phenomena. One made on the ground and the other inside the elevator floating in outer space and pulled by a rope that accelerates it.

In the experiment it is said:

 "This makes him think that there is a force, similar to gravity, that pulls them towards the elevator floor."

First error:

It mistakes the performance of two different types of force as the same result. It equates the result of applying a Force of Contact, of Traction of the rope on the carcass or roof of the elevator and of the carcass on the feet of the person, with a Force of Attraction.

In the experiment it is cited that the man who goes inside the elevator

By noticing the pressure on his feet produced by the elevator casing, he will equate this pressure equivalent to the force of gravity.

A nonsense! The first mistake is to use a subjective concept forbidden to use it in a scientific demonstration. The experiment model is a utopia

Second mistake:

To unmask this false equality represented in Figure 3 we say: IT IS NOT THE MASS THAT «FALLS» IT IS THE SOIL THAT “RISES”

No ATTRACTION Force is generated, as is the one exerted by Gravity, and which makes the masses “fall”.

                                                    Figure 4


The Figure represents three snapshots of the elevator in its "rise" pulled by the rope attached to the ceiling. The man is as if he were part of the carcass, since he is in contact with it, and is subject to pressure on his feet. It is the same TRACTION force exerted by the rope and transmitted by the carcass to its base. The elevator casing is the "container" The same does not happen with the Mass (content) that is inside the elevator and that is not part of its casing. This Mass reaches the floor of the elevator by displacement of the carcass.

Extending the nonsense of this experiment a little more, we can think that it is impossible for the laws of physical phenomena to be fulfilled, for example, of the: pendulum; parabolic shot; fluid dynamics ..., if we intend to make the equivalence between an attractive force and a contact force. We believe that with the previous explanation the invalidity of the Equivalence Principle, which claims to be one of the bases of General Relativity, is already clear.

In our little book: "Theory of relativity.- Criticism of a nonsense" we expand this topic a little more. We also speak of a fallacy of "logical relevance".




Since no explanation was found for the existence of the force of gravity, the idea that space is deformed was suggested. Thus, fitting this fallacy with the fallacy of time dilation, everything works out!

We consider this issue as the main axis of our criticism. Consequently, we will fully transcribe the fascicle that in our “little book” deals with this topic.

In this booklet we criticize the fallacy of the existence of attraction between two masses, due to the deformation of space. We will use a method of investigation and criticism developed by the author of these fascicles himself.

We believe that: faced with a lack of knowledge of the causes of the phenomenon, an explanation is given that goes against common sense. We have read that A. Einstein to try to explain the existence of the Force of Gravity, not finding an explanation came up with the idea, against all logic and common sense, that space curves.

The presence of the Earth warps the Space that makes another Mass approach and "fall" on it. Figure 1 is intended to signify this phenomenon

                                          Figure 1



We will try to give our opinion on the invalidity of the arguments that state that: the FORCE OF GRAVITY associated with a MASS is caused by the deformation of the space adjacent to it. To go from the real world to the world of fantasy, we only needed to support the fallacy of the "Time Dilation" in the fallacy of the "Deformation of Space"


Ignoring in principle the CAUSES that produce such an EFFECT, that is, the Force of Attraction (Fa), we will begin by making an analysis of these EFFECTS.

Using logical reasoning to be able to consider the idea of the "deformation of space" as a fallacy, we will analyze the VARIABLES that intervene in the physical phenomenon of the Forces of Attraction between Masses. For this we will use Newton's law:

                                       (Fa) = G x (M x m) / d2

Where (Fa) is the attractive force that exists between two masses (M) and (m) separated by a distance (d) and in which (G) is a constant value, called the Universal Constant of Gravitation.

(To be continued in a future installment)


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