Intellectual Property Registry: B-1221.21
In our book titled; "Theory of relativity. Criticism of a nonsense analyzed in seven installments ”, we are dedicated to criticizing the different fallacies that appear written in the Theory of Relativity. Now, we will dedicate ourselves to investigating some aspects of this Theory that may be somewhat confusing.
We have divided this essay into two parts. The first part is dedicated to exposing a mathematical path to obtain the expression: E = mc2. At the same time, we take the opportunity to criticize some procedures for obtaining this expression that resort to using concepts that are true fallacies.
The second part of this essay is dedicated to trying to justify the title of this essay.
That is to say: "The expression E = mc2 shows that in ancient times a great explosion occurred"
This topic was written by this same author and published in the scientific journal: “International of Fundamental Physical Science (IJFPS)”. We believe that reading the two parts that we are commenting on will help the reader to interpret the idea that we want to convey.
We will explain these two parts of the study in two successive installments.
FIRST STAGE At this stage we consider that the Kinetic Energy (Ec) that a particle possesses comes from or was caused by the performance of a primordial work (T) that occurred in remote times. We can establish the equivalence:
We identify the aforementioned work carried out as:
Being the force that acted on the mass during a certain path limited by the values: initial (i) and final (f), until its speed reached a constant value. The value of the speed of light (c).
We can write the previous equivalence as:
On the other hand, the magnitude of a force (F) can also be estimated using other physical units. We can assess it by intervening the acceleration (a) that it prints on the mass (m) on which it is constantly acting. I mean:
F = m.a
We also know that:
where (dv) is the speed increase that is being reached in each differential (dt) of the time that is passing. So we can write:
The expression of the Work done is expressed as:
We observe that the previous equation shows the variation of the “momentum” or “linear moment” (mxv).
We can make the following change in the differential
In the First Stage we have assumed that the physical process was accelerating. But this process has a limit. This limit is when the speed of the mass reaches the speed of light (c). So then the previous expression will be replaced by:
Since (c) and (m) are constant values, we can write
Returning to the first equivalence that we established with the Work, we write:
An additional comment is that this Energy can return the EARLY WORK that we cited at the beginning of this essay.
Has anyone found the idea of time dilation or the application of the Lorentz Factor to deduce the aforementioned Formula missing? ...
The primitive of the expression:
is (c).
We have used partial differentials that allow us to choose the direction or criterion of integration, at our convenience.
So we can choose the speed (v) or the momentum (m.v).
(It will continue in a second installment)
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