lunes, 4 de abril de 2022



Through our Blog, we have criticized the nonsense of involving the deformation of space to justify the force of attraction of gravity on bodies.

 As we have recently seen false information appear that attempts to confuse logical reasoning regarding this issue, we add a new essay to dismantle such fallacy.

Some of these false news, pretend to rely on the idea that: the Physicist who affirmed such a fallacy, is the same one who predicted the existence of gravitational waves, whose existence has subsequently been verified. It seems that these false preachers justify the fact that we must admit the nonsense of the deformation of space since it was said by the same person who was right with the phenomenon of gravitational waves. We think that, if there are no hidden interests, those who reason in this puerile way commit a fallacy of the type "argumentum ad homine"

Our criticism will be based on highlighting a false interpretation of the Lorentz Factor and the Lorentz Transformation Formulas that lead to the aforementioned error.



In this essay we include two thought experiments,

that were devised by the same author of the present study.

We believe that the two examples are sufficiently illustrative to refute the fallacy of the intervention of the deformation of space as an active agent in the intervention of the force of gravity. (We exposed these examples in our Blog, with the title: "Theory of Relativity. - Misleading Approaches"- Third instalment- The fallacy of the deformation of space)

We comment and summarize the cited examples.

 The first figure represents a Test Mass (for example, a stone) that, because it is "touching" the Earth and there is no space between both masses... can we say that there is no attractive force, such as gravity, when not be able to deform space?... This shows that it is not the intervention of the deformation of space that acts.

                                     Figure 1


Figure 2 presents the case of two different masses (m1) and (m2) that are at the same distance from the bringing Mass, that is: (d1) = (d2). Carrying out calculations it is found that, although the space between the attractive mass (Mt) and the two test masses (m1) and (m2) is the same, the Attractive Force is different. What justifies that "space" does not intervene

                                       Figure 2


(ONE OBSERVATION: Do not confuse concepts: It is interesting that we bear in mind that the ACCELERATION with which both Masses are subjected is the same, but they are subjected to different Forces of Attraction (Fa). We must consider that what we are investigating is the concept "FORCE" and not the concept "ACCELERATION". We investigate the cause. Not the effects. For this reason, it is interesting to take into account this conclusion that could divert us from our objective)



It is known as the Lorentz Factor and is usually represented abbreviated as (L), the mathematical operator:

Where (v) means the speed of a moving body, with uniform and rectilinear speed, and (c) means the speed of light.

We find this expression in the well-known thought experiment of the train car. It is obtained by looking for the relationship between the Proper Time (tp) of the physical phenomenon that takes place inside the wagon (the reflection of a light ray in a mirror), and the Time of Displacement of the train wagon (td). This relationship is quantified by the following expression:


(Note: In other essays by this same author, the mathematical process to obtain this expression is detailed)

 In the erroneous interpretation given to this equality, the fallacy of "time dilation" and "mass and space deformation" starts. We justify our statement by recalling some paragraphs written in our previous essays.

In one of them we call it the GENESIS OF NONSENSE

We say that your misinterpretation comes from the statement that we find in the book by A. Einstein, entitled: “On the theory of special and general relativity”. Speaking of a train car inside which a process is carried out, in this statement he says:

“The time that a process needs in relation to the wagon cannot be equal to the duration of the same process judged from the reference body of the embankment”

In our "little book" entitled: "Theory of relativity. - Criticism of nonsense”, we present more than three reasons to justify that this statement cannot be accepted as valid.

Figure 3 means the movement of the train car inside which a beam of light is fired that is reflected in a mirror located on the roof of the car. The round trip time of the light ray is its Proper Time (tp). In each advance position of the wagon, the direction of the beam is represented.

                                      Figure 3


this absurd to argue that, since the person who is outside the car, fixed on the ground, the end of the reflection of the light beam has been lengthened. Light, time has dilated.

From outside the wagon: The vision of the image of the phenomenon is lengthened. Not the proper time (tp) of the phenomenon



In this chapter we denounce another fallacy that can lead us to the error of reasoning that "space is deformed" since, if we consider that mass occupies a place in space, considering absurdities, we can conclude that the space it occupies is deformed. To criticize this issue, we transcribe a part of our book entitled “Theory of Relativity. Criticism of nonsense analysed in seven fascicles”

We copy the following fascicle:

 In this Fascicle, taking as a reference the book of

A. Einstein entitled "Introduction to the theory of special and general relativity", we denounce:

The fallacy of mass deformation. The error of wanting to include simultaneous phenomena within relativity and… other confusion We criticize the subject: “THE LENGTHENING OF THE MEASURING BAR.

Paragraph 12 of the aforementioned book that we take as a reference is entitled: "THE BEHAVIOR OF RULES AND MOBILE CLOCKS" It is based on the mental experiment of the train car and, summarizing its content, it tells us that: using a bar to measure lengths, this bar will be longer assessed from the embankment, than assessed from inside the train car. We clarify that instead of saying "WILL BE" longer we should say: "WE WILL SEE" longer.

We could call it as: The great confusion between the appreciation of the dimensions of the IMAGE OF A BODY in uniform and rectilinear movement and the real dimension of this BODY. In the lengthening of the measuring bar, he confuses the movement of the image of the body as if it were the body itself

                                  Figure 4


The measuring bar has its own length (lp) which is what

 would get an observer who was inside the car, where the bar is. Another experiment would be the result of the SEEING, or the VISION OF THE IMAGE, of a fixed observer located outside the train car.

We have seen written the project of trying to deduce the well-known expression:  

in which in an intermediate step of the mathematical process a factor is added to take into account the "dilation of the mass" and, at the end of the process, this factor is removed or annulled without giving a coherent explanation. The mental confusion to which the Theory leads is such that it seems that one cannot reason without it, although in the end one must end up removing what is in the way”

(End of the cited transcript)


(NOTE: See the same author of this book, the Essay published by the scientific journal: "International Journal of Fundamental Physics Sciences", called the expression

informs us that in ancient times there was a great explosion that expelled the atoms from a common environment”)



The Lorentz factor is also found in the so-called Lorentz Transformation Formulas.

These formulas, in inertial movements (relative movements between two reference systems and at constant rectilinear speed) allow to calculate the values ​​of the variables: space (e) and time (t) in a MOVING translation of the coordinates.

(Later we will see why we highlight the word “mobile”)

To introduce us to the topic of Lorentz Transformation formulas, we quote the following.

In the book “On the theory of special and general relativity” by A. Einstein, on page 32 (“Alianza Editorial” Edition), he describes the form and utility of the formulas called Lorentz Transformations, as follows:


“Given the quantities (x,y,z,t) of an event with respect to (k),

What are the values ​​(x`,y`,z´,t´) of the same event with respect to


The ratios must be chosen in such a way that they satisfy the laws of propagation of light in a vacuum for one and the same light ray (and also for any light ray) with respect to (K) and (K´).”


And he goes on to say:

"The problem is solved by the equations"


                    Space Formula

                      Figure 1

                    time formula

                     Figure 2

And, on this same page of the aforementioned book, the following coordinate system (k) and (K) is drawn

                                           Figure 4

The variable (v) means the relative speed that the system (K´) has with respect to the system (K)The explanation that appears in the aforementioned book, together with the previous drawing, does little to help us understand the purpose and way of using the aforementioned formulas. So we make a brief analysis:

For the moment we will analyse the Space Formula.

Let us observe that in the Space Formula in its numerator the expression appears:


In Figure 4 we see that this operation corresponds to a transfer of the origins of the coordinate axes. This is what would happen in a finite motion. But, we must consider that we are considering a continuous relative motion. We are interested in knowing that we can SEE from a certain position of the coordinates (K´), which are moving, the phenomena that occur and have the coordinates (K) as a reference. This is the reason why we have previously talked about a Mobile Transfer. It is not only a question of a transfer of coordinate axes from one place to another in space, but we must also add the intervention of the speed with which this displacement is carried out.

The measurements of these phenomena are quantified in: space (e) and time (t). It is in this SEE operation that our well-known operator intervenes as the denominator of the formula: 

Trying to give an explanation as understandable as possible, we have designed figure 5 in order to realize how the Lorentz Factor intervenes in the VISION OF THE IMAGE of an object or physical phenomenon. We repeat that the aforementioned formulas transform VISIONS, that is, the images

                                             Figure 5

The figure represents two SITUATIONS in outer space.

(Remember that in one of our essays we defined that the POSITION was given by the coordinates that, in outer space, an Event occupies with respect to a Fixed Reference System, while in the SITUATION we added to the POSITION the concept of "time" or "instant" in which it occurs. Thus Newton's laws are incorporated into the Events)

The left part of the figure represents the outer space environment where the Event takes place, be it a body or the development of a physical law. We consider it as the Fixed Reference System (FRS).

The right part of the figure represents the mobile environment from which what happens in the (FRS) is observed. This observation is made from a Mobile Reference System (MRS). Remember that we are dealing with relative motions.

The (tr) represents the Travel Time of the image to reach the observation point. The (td) represents the Travel Time that an observer would take to SITUATE himself in the observation POSITION. (Remember the definition we had given to these two concepts)

 As we have said, the Lorentz Factor ensures that in the Lorentz Transformation Formulas not only the transfer of the reference coordinates is taken into account, but also the VISUALIZATION changes due to the MOVEMENT of the (MRS).



When deducing the expression of the Lorenz Factor, the following condition is imposed: SYNCHRONIZATION.

This condition implies that: if the observer is right in the (FMS) when the event starts, this observer is already POSITIONED to be able to SEE the end of the event. Therefore, in the observation position of the (MRS) the equality must be fulfilled:


Any SITUATION that does not meet this condition would be impossible to SEE the content of the (FRS)

(NOTE: To make it more accessible to the reader, we omit the integral calculus notation that defines all the possible differentials corresponding to the infinite Situations to be considered from the beginning to a certain end)

 When we impose this condition when calculating the referred Factor, we do nothing more than establish a relationship between the speeds (v) and (e).

As the reader will have noticed, here we have only operated with the vision of the image. Not with the "bodies" of the Events.


The numerator of the Space Transformation Formula tells us that it is a translation of the coordinate axes. We can say that it is a “static” operation. Just a transfer without further movement. (See figure 4)

But, in addition, in this formula appears the factor   

related to the movement of the coordinates to which you are linked to the (MRS) and that relates us the speed of (v) of the (MRS) and the speed of light (c) and that allows us to SEE the transformation of the variables.



The reader may have some doubt in the interpretation of the Time Transformation Formula. To dispel this doubt, we say the following:

In the numerator of the formula, the expression that appears subtracting is about a time. So it is a coordinate shift.

(NOTE: The fact that it is a "time" the reader will find its mathematical deduction in our essay entitled: "Theory of relativity- mathematical interpretation of the Lorentz Factor- In the paragraph entitled: Correcting factor of speeds. Measurement travel time (td))

 If the reader is interested in following the mathematical process of obtaining the Lorentz Factor, we refer him to our essay entitled: “Relativity Theory- Mathematical Analysis of the Lorentz Factor”, in the paragraph entitled: “The Lorentz Factor. A mathematical expression that appears in the Transformation Formulas”)

We finish this essay by insisting and saying once again: The “body”, the mass, is not deformed, and consequently the space it occupies is not deformed, but the one that is deformed by the VISION of the IMAGE of the body. Let us remember that adage that says that: “space is what remains of an empty room when the walls are removed”