lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2021


 Intellectual Property Registry: B-1221.21



(NOTE: This topic is an adaptation of the study carried out by this same author and published in the scientific journal: “International of Fundamental Physical Science (IJFPS))

For the reader's guide, we include an index of the topics that we will discuss:

 1.- Rebooting the history of an atom

       1.1.- Meeting of physical contents - Theory of


      1.2.- Manifestations of physical magnitudes.

2.- Looking for the symptoms of the explosion

      2.1.- The atom has incorporated the content of

               a force

3.- Manifestation through the expression: E = mc^2

      of the energy contained in the atom

We go on to explain these issues below.


As a continuation of our first installment, we begin our essay considering the idea of ​​the movement that atoms have, in infinite directions, within the matter that contains them.

We apply our reasoning on the body of an atom that, to understand us, we will call its mass (m). and we anticipate in this brief summary, which later we will justify with physical approaches.

We start from the fact that we know that the expression E = mc^2  contains two physical quantities whose joint action in a certain process can generate a large amount of energy.

From this fact we will go back in time to try to find the way from where this source of energy began.

In this return to the past and restarting the story of what happened, we make the hypothesis that an expansion FORCE (F) intervened, perhaps due to an explosion, which in ancient times acted in all directions and on all atoms, among them the atom that we choose as a prototype in our essay.

 That Force (F) injected a potential into the atom to be able to carry out work. To identify this work (T), we will use the corresponding physical quantities that define it:

                                                   T = F × e

In which (F) is the force that will have acted on the mass (m) and (e) the space traveled by applying the referred force.

Our analysis will consist of translating the how expression:

 E = mc^2 manifests the formula of WORK (T) that we have exposed.

We will see that E = mc^2 is the expression that expresses the origin and history of the atom.

But first we will present a theoretical approach that allows us to interpret our reasoning.


In the development of this study we present our theory, which we have called "Theory of the Meeting", as follows:

The expression E = mc^2 should NOT be viewed as a Mathematical Formula but as a PHYSICAL EXPRESSION that encompasses different concepts. For this reason we will never use the wrong words of "Formula" or "Equation" but we will use the word "EXPRESSION". With this we want to avoid the doubt that if when writing: 

E = mc^2 we are interpreting it a product of two variables, that is: E = mc^2  . To avoid such an interpretation we consider that (E) is JOINED to the physical magnitudes: mass (m) and speed of light (c). Consequently, in symbolic form, we will write it as:

              E = Umc^2                     

We will define it as: the Expression of Energy equal to the REUNION of mass and speed of light. To confirm our claim, we will inspect an atom that contains this mass and identify it as the mass (m) we are testing.



To get to identify what the expression shows us:

E = mc ^ 2 and continuing with the Reunion Theory, we say the following:

We now deal with the issue of the information that a physical Expression gives us, due to the relationships between the physical quantities that make it up.

We will accept that physical magnitudes, such as force, acceleration ... we can detect their existence through MANIFESTATIONS that can be observed in the experimental field. Thus, for example, the acceleration (a) that a mass (m) acquires, will reveal the existence of a FORCE that causes it. Another aspect will be the assessment of its intensity, in which case we will apply the FORMULA:

F = m × a But, according to what we said, now we will focus on considering the MANIFESTATIONS of the expressions of physical quantities and we will avoid considering them as mathematical formulas that allow us to value them.

The approach of considering only the aforementioned MANIFESTATIONS allows us to encompass and connect within the same physical phenomenon different PHYSICAL MAGNITUDES. This will allow us to interpret the meaning of the "Expression": 

E = mc^2 It allows us to go back from current data to the origins that produced them.



We said that in our study we started from the existence of an atom, which already existed in ancient times and we propose to relate the behavior of this atom in the present time, with what manifests the expression:

 E = mc^2

We will justify that the expression: E = Umc^2

(meeting of the Energy with the mass and the speed of light)

It states that the atom (corresponding to this mass) has the content of a force incorporated and this will lead us to have to admit that there was a cause that caused the appearance of this force.

We hypothesize that this cause was an explosion that drove the atoms out of a common center.



To justify that the aforementioned expression states that the atom has the content of a force incorporated, we proceed as follows:

We will use the Reunion Theory and write: E = mcc With this expression we want to indicate that: Energy is

unites with the union of two events. On the one hand, there is the Meeting of the mass (m) with the speed of light. On the other hand, to this Meeting another is added, expressed as the speed (c) of light.

In this chapter we will dedicate ourselves to finding out the meaning of the expression 

E = Umc^2    that, as we will see, leads us to reveal the existence of a force.

In the previous issue we have exposed the way in which the ACTIONS carried out by the PHYSICAL MAGNITUDES are MANIFIED. With the hypothesis that there was a great explosion, the first Physical Magnitude that we will consider is FORCE. It is the first-born force that acted on the atom at the origin of its existence. This Physical Magnitude that we are considering, by acting CONTINUOUSLY on the particle, we know that it is MANIFESTED by the ACTION of printing an acceleration (a) on it. So we can "express" this ACTION as the following MEETING:


And, the acceleration (a) is “expressed” as: a = v / t being (v) the speed that the atom was acquiring due to the thrust of the force (F) and (t) the time used. On the other hand,

We know that using mathemat   terms we can consider the variation of that speed (v) due to the referred force, by means of the formula:


where (v) is the final speed to be reached when the time (t) elapses between the points: initial (i) and final (f). But ... we must bear in mind that the end point (f) is located in the place where (v) reaches the speed of light (c), since this is the limit value of speeds. Therefore, the acceleration between the initial point (i) and the final point (f), that is, the increase in speed between (0) and (c) will be worth:

                                        ∆v between (0) and (c) = (c)

Therefore, the referred first-born FORCE (F) that acted on the particle must be “expressed” as:


Reasoning a path inverse of the one we have used, we can say that the aforementioned expression tells us the story that there was a FIRST FORCE due to that explosion, which expelled and pushed the atom we are analyzing.




We must investigate the how through the expression: E=mc^2. the energy that the atom contains is manifested,

Obtained the “expression” of the FORCE (F) that intervened, we must find out how the expression E=Umc^2 shows the capacity that the analyzed atom can carry out a WORK (T). That is, as the aforementioned expression shows that the atom is in possession of supplying a Potential Energy (E). This is another conclusion to reach from the aforementioned expression.

We justify the possession of this energy because the atom in the instant in which its journey lasted was acquiring a Kinetic Energy that, by not consuming it, was accumulated as Potential energy (Ep). And this potential energy can be expressed as having "trapped" the ability to perform a Work (T)

 (NOTE: Remember the idea of ​​the movement of the atoms contained in matter)

We will propose the equivalence between this energy (Ep) and its ability to do work (T). That is to say:

                                                    (Ep) ~ (T)

Applying the topic that we exposed on: "The manifestation of the Physical Magnitudes" we will assimilate the content in Potential energy with the quality of carrying out a Work.

Applying physical concepts, to identify the Work (T) we will use the following MEETING of physical quantities:


That is to say, the Work (T) that the aforementioned expression shows that the atom is capable of contributing, the stored atom has it and has it registered as the Reunions, the first-born force (F) of which we have spoken and (e) the space that ran through the crowd at the time the events occurred.

Recall that at the physical level that we move, we measure distances in Light Speed ​​Units (uvl) so that the aforementioned particle, pushed by force (F), came to move at the speed of light (c). And with this pattern, we measure the tours (e).

(NOTE: In our Blog you can consult the topic “Mathematical interpretation of the Lorentz Factor, where it talks about measuring distances in speed of light (uvl)


We value the space (e) in units of speed of light (uvl)

If (v) increases until it reaches speed (c) this is equivalent to having reached one unit (c)

So that

                                   (e) = (c)

and therefore, we can write:


In order to show that the "expression" E=Umc^2 in its content contains the idea of ​​a POTENTIAL ENERGY, we propose the following reasoning:

As we have indicated: TFc and as we have obtained: F = mc

Is obtained:

                                   E ~ T = (mc) c =  T U mc^2

what is the "expression" we were investigating

We can observe that the (E) is expressed as the Meeting of an Amount of Motion carried by the mass and the space (e) that has moved, which, when measured in units of light speed (uvl), is expressed with (c).

In summary, the expression: E=mc^2 placed in the "test tube", and treated as the "expression" of a grouping of physical variables, informs us of what happened to the atom in ancient times and what is able to perform

We leave their analysis and criticism for consideration for experts in Astrophysics and Atomic Physics.